Music Ministry
Music Ministry exists to serve the church in helping leadership teams and individuals to serve God with the gifts he has given them in music. We value this ministry because Colossians 3:16 shows us it is a ministry of God’s Word, to build up the church.
We live at a time when we have the bounteous anthology of the marvelous Christian hymns and songs written by great lyricists and musicians who were compelled to pen them down by the inspiration received from the Holy Spirit.
Musicians, of the times of yore, would not have envisaged of having their songs arranged their contributions. It is needless to say that they would have not even anticipated a helping hand from someone who could sort and print it for them. And as the time and age passes by, their songs, its wonderful music and the talent behind them too fade away.

Discovering Your Call to Music Ministry
Music Ministry is one of our favorite ways to praise God and to enhance the Liturgy. Music is such a powerful tool that can be used to evangelize, lift our spirits and draw people closer to God and His Church. We all know how inspiring it is to hear a beautiful choir during Mass or our youth group so full of the spirit participating in the Liturgy. A great group of volunteers from the parish makes this a reality. Everyone is welcome and all it takes is a passion for singing and a little bit of time to gather with your fellow parishioners for practice!
The music ministry of St. Jude parish seeks to encourage the people´s “full, conscious and active participation” in the liturgical life of the church, especially as it pertains to music. We work to help create an environment in which we recognize the presence of Christ in all gathered, in the proclamation of the Word, and in the Eucharist. Music aids in the spiritual life of the faithful, through sung prayer, as well as fostering a spirit of reverence.

As we experience God´s presence through prayer and sacrament, we are transformed, and in turn, reach out with Christ´s transforming power into our world. As a people baptized in Christ Jesus, we are called to live out this baptismal call through ministry. The music ministry of St. Jude invites all members of the parish to bring their musical gifts to the faith community.
Meeting Information
Music ministry meets regularly and on special occasions for practice sessions. During these sessions, new songs are rehearsed as a group.
Music ministry also provides training to our Kids in Christian Songs.
Opportunities include:
1) Choirs which lead assembly singing at both Sunday liturgies, and Holy Days
2) Cantors who proclaim the psalm, and lead in other acclamations
3) Instrumental Ensembles which add dimension to the musical texture
4) Help to set up the Church before Holy Mass
5) Support our Youth during Youth Mass
6) Train children in Christian Songs
Join Us!
We invite you to join this vibrant and exciting part of our ministry of parish life.
For more information, please contact music ministry coordinators.
“Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!”
Psalm 105:2